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Rainbow Word


La chanteuse Camerounaise a donné une interview Exclusise à 237mood. Elle se livre sans concession pour nous dévoiler sa vie et son intimité.

1. Pouvez-vous vous décrire en quelques mots ?

Réponse : Hello! Well I'm an Afrosoul Artist from the Northwest Region of Cameroon. Exceedingly passionate about music and the arts as a whole; and how one can use that to add value and for positive impact.

2. Comment est-ce Joyce BABATUNDE fait son entrée dans la musique ?

Réponse : I like to think of my professional career kicking off in 2018 when I became a Goethe Decouverte laureate. Prior to that I had only released a couple of singles online. However it's in 2018 I started actively performing.

3. Joyce BABATUNDE peut-elle nous présenter son parcours académique ?

Réponse : My secondary and high-school education were in Bamenda. Afterwards I acquired an undergraduate degree in Law from the University of Buea. From there I went on to do a Master's in Business Law at the University of Yaounde 2, Soa.

4.Quels sont les moments marquants de votre parcours dans la musique ? Quels sont les mains derrière l'artiste ( l'équipe de JOYCE BABATUNDE) ?

Réponse : For me a few of the key moments of my career thus far have been first my "Decouverte" concert at the Goethe Institut in 2018 because that started all of this. Also getting to perform infront of a completely new audience in Montpellier- France; and have them connect so much to what I did was surreal. Being selected to perform during the visit of H.E Emmanuel Macron to Cameroon, was an honor as well. Being the first Central African artist ever selected to showcase at Music In Africa Foundation's ACCES in Tanzania, was equally phenomenal and a window into the possibilities that exist.

5. Pourquoi le titre "KWACOCO BIBLE" pour votre premier album ?

Réponse : Kwacoco Bible is a meal from the Southwest region. It is peculiar in that while being pretty compact, it's all all in one dish. Which means it contains almost all of the food groups.

This is the spirit reflected in the album. It's sonic diversity is unparalleled; touching local rhythms like Njang, Essewe, Bikutsi, Mbaghallum - just to name a few; but also has an interplay of international genres like Soul, Rap, Funk and Spokenword too.

Another key element is the variety of themes explored from Resilience to Love, the ongoing Anglophone crises, hope ... it's like a mini library.

6. Vous êtes beaucoup appréciée de vos collègues à l'instar de Jovi, LYDOL, Ténor, des collaborations en vue ?

Réponse : There will be collabs in the near future for sure. There are a good number of artists I would like to work with. The most important thing for me is that they be organic so it brings out the best of us.

For now my team is comprised of management and PRO. It's a small team for now but we're looking to form new connections and fill much needed roles.

7. JOYCE BABATUNDE est elle un coeur à prendre ?

Réponse : Hehehe! Probably.

8. Première nomination aux canal d'or. Quel sentiment vous anime après la cérémonie qui a lieu le 28 octobre dernier ?

Réponse: Being nominated was a beautiful thing. I remain pretty hopeful for the growth of the music industry in Cameroon. We have a ton of amazing talent here and I'm eager to see what we can establish for posterity.

9. Quels sont les artistes de référence de JOYCE BABATUNDE ?

réponse : Lauryn Hill, India Arie, Asa, Richard Bona, Angelique Kidjo, Andy Mineo

10.Quels sont les sont les conseils de Joyce BABATUNDE à la nouvelle génération ?

Réponse : My advice will be; Dare. To be yourself, to chase your crazy dreams, to be a source of hope and good for your society.

11. Après "KWACOCO BIBLE" qui a été dégusté avec appétit aussi bien au niveau national qu'international, quels sont les projets à venir de JOYCE BABATUNDE ?

Réponse : The album is relatively new. So most of next year will be focused on getting it to touch as many people as possible. Through live showcases, exchanges and more visual content.

12. JOYCE BABATUNDE peut nous donner quelques dates de prestation de son agenda ?

réponse : Upcoming dates are a work in progress. I think the best way to know when those are lined up is to follow me across social media so you don't miss anything.

Thanks a Lot

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