The duo had its ups and downs. After separation and reconciliation in 2021, it is the departure of MA'A JACKY (Vidal) from Cameroon that marks a blow to their collaboration. .the star ma'a Jacky goes to France for studies and the son Claudio NJALLA stays in Cameroon.
Claudio NJALLA was in reality only a character attached to the star ma'a Jacky who by a concept (African mother) had managed to conquer the hearts of millions of Cameroonians. .his acting and humor were impeccable. If the role of son of MA'A JACKY embodied by Claudio NJALLA could easily vary from actor to actor, that of MA'A JACKY was the heart of the web series.
A simple analysis of Claudio NJALLA's page confirms the fears. His publications alone barely come close to the 200 comment mark. A post with a tag to ma'a Jacky and the comments soar to exceed 2000...
Claudio NJALLA's career was therefore subservient to that of MA'A JACKY and the departure of MA'A JACKY risks sending the young Claudio NJALLA into oblivion, who unfortunately did not have to rise to the top with partnerships.
Like an infant without his mother, the son will have difficulty maintaining himself without his mother.
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